Jikka Cafe also operates a “cafe” and sometimes offers a “music space”.
We will prepare and welcome you to a place where you can relax like a home, a place where you will want to return.
We are two clumsy couples, but we are always here waiting for you at our own pace and with care.



"Cute hot pot" for one person


For customers visiting Shinshu in the cold winter,
We want you to warm up so we will prepare this every day during the winter for many customer.

It is good for the size of one person,The size of one person is also pretty,
This dish is suitable for "Jikka Cafe".

You can choose between two flavors of the pot.
(Ginger or curry).


Ingredients for pots:
They contains chicken dumplings, Chinese cabbage, sprouts, green leaves, carrots, gluten, tofu, vermicelli.




Salad Plate 1050 yen (+tax) -Spring or Autumn Version-
(vegetables, smoked chicken, cheese, nuts, homemade dressing and soup)

 Please click here for details on the cafe 

(Sorry, This is only Japanese page.)



 You can reserve your seat by phone. Tel: 070-6985-4111

Salad Plate 1050 yen (+tax) -Summer Version-

 "Pan Cake"



The dough contains eggs, soy milk, sugar, yogurt and vinegar.


You can choose several hotcakes for each season.

"Summer limited shaved ice"
This dish is currently closed. We will start offering from June 2020.
Milk strawberry shaved ice





 Coffee and mocha





Japanese flavor "Anmitsu" (sweet beans, jelly, black honey, etc.)